Wednesday, March 26, 2008

corpo, done

Thank God, the Corpo exam is all over and done with. What a relief although I'm quite unsure of how I fared. I'll leave everything in God's hand. I can no longer undo what has been answered and written in the exam notebook.

Afterwards, I accompanied my tita to the mall to buy something she could bring to US this Sunday. How I wish I could go and spend summer in LA. But I just simply can't. That's one of the many bitter consequences of choosing this road in my life, that is, taking up law and hoping against all hopes to become a lawyer someday.


archer dee said...

hay.. giunsa man tong corpo uyyy..

we'll just have to pray to God that we did good. :)

kaRLa said...

indeed.. c God na bahala sa atong mga exam.. ;)